Custom, Personalized Business Strategy & Implementation Coaching For Business Owners.
Welcome. I am James Hooper. If you landed here, you are looking for something, and are wondering if it is worth checking this out a bit more, and is this something that can benefit you.
The short answer is that you already CAN do whatever you want with your businesses with no assistance or investment in programs like mine.
IF you can just figure it out, build your strategies, apply them and then adjust constantly as you learn from your experience.
You CAN solve your problems.
- And you will win if you do this, but only IF you have the fundamentals right.
- And IF your business model is viable.
- And IF you have selected an effective market.
- And IF you have sufficient understanding to ensure your margins are sufficient.
- And IF your cashflow will stand up to growth.
- And IF you can establish the advantages and then benefits that will give you a defendable position in your markets (a "moat around your business") that will ensure your prosperity and also give you an exit from the business. (And lots of other IFs.)
THEN you can join the 4% Club of business owners who have not gone out of business within 5 years. Remember the 96% failure rate of businesses headline on my front page? It is real.
When you go hard by yourself those are your odds. The majority of those failures are due to ignorance of what is needed, what works, and how to actually get things done. Other causes are owner "burnout" (get so tired they give up and get a job), changes in the economy, but mostly it is because they just cannot get it to work.
Many business owners stick at it out of sheer bloody-minded stubbornness. And this pulls all of their wealth and savings into the pit, and sometimes all of their family's money as well. A cruel statement is that many business fail in the first 6 hours, but it can take 6 years for it to show up.
Working with me will (at the highest probability levels) simply reduce your chances of being in that failing majority.
You shorten your learning time and the waste of your unfruitful activity. With help you can foresee the obstacles you will face, and be ready to drive through or around them.
The best news is that when the right changes are made, most businesses are able to burst back into life. And faster than you think.
I have been collecting and applying business strategies and tactics for over 50 years (I started young!)
And practicing in my own businesses over 40 years, and with coaching clients for 20 years. When I was younger I believed I was pretty good (as we all did), and I was effective.
But the reality is that in the past 5 years I have become more precise, more organized, and more able to assist owners execute with more leverage.
Better and better results. Better results from better and better processes.
Life Events Can Deliver Clarity & Power and Multiply Business Successes
Late last year I given the gift of a warning slap from the universe. I was in "pretty good" condition I thought, having just turned 60 and had been through a full physical.
All the boxes were ticked with all health tests showing "no problemo". Except scale used to evaluate my status was flawed. My BP was normal but only just. My cholesterol stats were normal but only just. I was slim, in normal weight range for age, with only a tiny belly.
Yet the emergency, the tests, the heart procedures, and hospital stay simply called "BS" on my assumptions. But this series of events has given me a massive lift in understanding of Standards that translates perfectly to business, to life in general, and how to create more potency in all processes and systems.
Why Do Businesses REALLY Fail?
Here is what Australian research says:
“Insufficient leadership and management (13%) added to insufficient planning and execution (12%)”. These two ADD UP to 27% – because you CAN two number together (for no reason) so that the combined reason becomes the #1.
The next item called “Inadequate market research, marketing, sales” apparently only accounts for 17% of SME failures…
“Poor financial management” at 14% in third spot.