
Cool.  You clicked on the “Results” link.  Well done.


Because chances are very high that you want results.  (Wow – that was sharp!).

Ok – what I really mean is DIFFERENT results.

You want to know the REAL power behind “The Secret”?  You know – the book and CD’s and stuff that came out and told us that all we really had to do was imagine the results we wanted REALLY CLEARLY for long enough, and those results would magically appear in our lives?

And millions of people sat around visualizing until their eyes popped?  Well – for some people it made a huge difference – but it was not the magic power of attraction that did it (well directly anyway).  It was the power of CLARITY.

You want different results in your business and life?

Then – the most powerful thing you can do is to STOP, and with as high a degree of precision as you can muster – write exactly the results you want.  If you can – make your results as good as you can currently think of – without needing the help of your magical fairy godmother.  Make them feasible.  If your brain immediately says “Boolsheet – that’s not possible!”  Then bring them back to closer to your current reality.  (As you get better and better at this – you can later make your dream results bigger and brighter – just make them awesome enough to make you smile when you think about them.)

Woops – gotta go and have some fun.  Will continue this soon – on what the real purpose of goals is.  Not what you think.

Rock on

James Hooper